While closing deals through video calls was a rare practice over the last several decades, today, as work-from-home jobs have become more common, it’s become a normalized part of our evolving world. One field that this is particularly true for is marketing, with remote communication quickly becoming the norm for many agencies.

While closing deals over video calls shares some similarities with in-person pitches, some aspects of closing are unique to video calls. Understanding some of the best techniques for closing deals remotely can make one more effective at pitching ideas and communicating one’s vision clearly.

Here are the best practices for making marketing pitches through video calls.

Be Prepared

Though preparation may seem obvious, many individuals often overlook critical aspects of the preparation process when pitching via video calls. For starters, some may not practice their pitch as much as they would if they were pitching in person. This is a huge mistake as being unfamiliar with one’s pitch will be just as evident over video as in person.

To be sure that one’s pitch is flawless, it’s important to rehearse it both alone and in front of an audience. If one is preparing to make the pitch over a video call, it can help to practice it through that medium as well. The more the pitch is practiced, the higher the chances it will be presented clearly and smoothly when pitched to the intended audience.

In addition to being prepared with one’s pitch, it’s vital to be prepared in terms of equipment, setting, and internet connection. If one doesn’t have a good internet connection and microphone, clearly pitching someone on an idea will be an uphill battle.

In addition, an unprofessional setting can give audiences a bad impression. As such, taking the time to ensure that all technical aspects of the video calls are taken care of is a vital part of preparing for a remote pitch.

Some aspects of video call pitches to ensure are perfect include:

  • Having a neat, professional video call setting or background
  • Having a good internet connection
  • Having a working microphone
  • Having a deep understanding of one’s pitch

Communicate Clearly

In any pitch, communicating effectively is an important part of the process. Without being able to plainly convey one’s ideas, it’ll be difficult, if not impossible, to convince someone of the value of one’s ideas. To avoid this problem, it’s vital to have clear talking points that are easy for an audience to understand.

When it comes to making pitches over video calls, it’s even more important to have easy-to-understand points. Given factors such as lag and connection issues, making a pitch over video calls can sometimes be more difficult than doing so in person. This is especially true when it comes to creative pitches which can be more complex and intensive. To ensure that one is being effective when pitching over video calls, there are some practices that are important to engage in.

Some practices one can use to communicate effectively over a video call include:

  • Slowing down: Given the lag and connection issues that can occur on video calls, it’s important to slow down. This gives one an opportunity to communicate clearly and effectively from a remote location.
  • Checking in with the audience: If you’re in the middle of your pitch, audience members may feel apprehensive when it comes to letting you know that they’ve missed something. This being the case, it’s important to periodically check in with the audience to ensure that they’re following along.
  • Repeating important points: Reiterating significant parts of one’s pitch is a great practice whether one is pitching over a video call or in person. The more one is able to repeat the main points, the more likely it is that one’s audience will internalize the pitch and understand its value.
  • Using visual aids: Visual aids are an incredibly powerful tool when pitching over video calls. Being able to show audiences visual representations of ideas can help one communicate effectively, smoothly, and efficiently.

Follow-Up After Pitches

After making an effective pitch, it’s vital to follow up accordingly. For some, this can be the trickiest aspect of making marketing pitches, as one may not know exactly how to do so. In these cases, it can be helpful to have some guidance. Some important follow-up practices one should engage in include:

  • Sending the audience a recap: After making the remote pitch, it can be useful to immediately send clients a recap of the pitch. This way they’ll have a clear document they can refer to when discussing the pitch internally.
  • Creating a dialogue: Once a pitch has been made, it can be helpful to have an open dialogue with one’s audience whether this is through email, text, or other messaging applications. This makes it easier for clients to reach out with any questions and concerns while also keeping the pitch at the forefront of their minds.
  • Know when to stop: While reaching out after a pitch is an essential part of the process, it’s also important not to overstep one’s bounds. This being the case, it’s important not to badger clients after a pitch so as not to annoy them or make them feel pressured.

Video Calls Can Be an Effective Pitching Medium

Though many prefer the experience of pitching to an audience in person, making pitches through video calls can be just as effective. The more familiar one becomes with the process of utilizing this medium, the easier it will be to effectively pitch an audience remotely.

Given the increasingly important role digital communication is playing in marketing and other fields, mastering the skill of video call pitches is quickly becoming a vital aspect of being an excellent marketer in today’s evolving world.