Many sports organizations have increased the time and money allocated towards marketing their services. Game promotions are believed to increase attendance in baseball leagues.

As the size and popularity of national and international sports grow, so is the field of sports marketing. 

Promotions in Baseball

Both local and national professional sports teams focus on game-day giveaways to promote their sports. These giveaways include posters, bags, towels, hats, and bobbleheads which continue to be the cream for sports promotions. 

Baseball in-game promotions may also consist of halftime contests that allow fans to win various gifts, including money, helmets, folding chairs, gift cards, and free admission to the game. 

Here are the impacts of sports marketing concerning baseball in game promotions. 

Increase Attendance

The primary aim of promoting professional sports is to increase attendance to sports. While sports attendance is essential to major and minor baseball leagues, attendance in minor leagues is way lower.

Indeed, many minor league baseball fans expect the added benefits of attending a special event. As a result, most baseball clubs provide their fans with more than just a baseball game. 

They offer a variety of activities ranging from entertainment to free souvenirs to free tickets.  

Helps to PiggyBank the Popularity and Devotion of Fans

Baseball in-game promotions have the advantage of allowing marketers to benefit from the devotion of their fans. Sports fans are incredibly loyal to their favorite teams, allowing brands to use this devotion to generate profit.


For instance, if a baseball fan associates himself with a certain team since childhood, he gives credibility to any marketer associating themselves with the team.

The marketer is considered a sponsor in sports because the revenue generated goes towards the team’s success.

Creating Lifelong Fans Who will Support the Team for Years

Many sports teams understand the need to channel their energy toward marketing for their young demographics. Sports leagues now understand the immense buying power yielded by children. 

While children have their own purchasing power, they heavily influence their parents’ purchasing decisions. In addition, children will grow to become adult consumers of sports in the future. 

Teams, therefore, utilize various forms of marketing to enhance the conversion of children to fans to keep them for life. According to marketers, teams will utilize activities like television sensitization, online and mobile marketing, and gaming to attract kids to the game. 

Marketers also understand the need to constantly assure parents that their children will be safe on the sports field. 

Building Relationships with Sports Fans

Sports marketing differs from other forms of business marketing. Baseball in-game promotions do not primarily focus on increasing ticket sales but also on building relationships with their fans and creating a platform for consistent communications.  

Most major baseball teams use the internet and social media to keep their fans informed. Recently, Twitter has become the go-to social networking site where fans can get information on sports and entertainment. 

Sports teams have also leveraged technology through Instagram, enabling them to share photos and stimulate engagement with their fans. 

Therefore, organizations consistently share informative content on their social media pages and, as a result, can meet the demand for information among fans of different ages. 


For the most part, sports promotions increase attendance at games. However, sports marketing is different from other forms of marketing. You must understand that fans expect more from the teams they support. Therefore, organizations must provide more than entertainment. 

Sports teams must ensure continuous communication to meet the demand for information among fans of different ages. Ensure that you take advantage of social media to drive your team’s promotions to greater influence.