content frameworks

Digital marketing is said to be essential for every business that wants to grow revenues quickly. However, your revenues can only increase if you’re getting quality leads from your marketing efforts. One of the digital marketing strategies you can leverage is ensuring that you’re churning out quality content to your target audience.

Writing content that generates leads which later converts into customers is a skill that can’t be attained overnight. It may require you to take online content marketing courses or hire experts who can churn out awesome and engaging content for you.

You need not fall into the misconception that the more content you write, the more leads you get. Not all content produces leads, maybe because it’s not tailored for the target audience or doesn’t address potential clients’ pain points.

This article delves from this concern in showing you golden content frameworks that can multiply the number of quality leads directed to your website. These include but are not limited to:

1. Leverage A Digital Adoption Platform (DAP)

One of the leading technological trends today is the introduction of digital adoption software in businesses. The purpose of digital adoption software is to integrate business applications for seamless interoperability. As a result, it’s connected to your company’s social media accounts and your business website. Thus, it’s easy for you to monitor the performance of your marketing content.

From there, you can review the analytics produced by the adoption tool to tweak your content correctly. There are several digital adoption platforms, such as Apty, as shown in this example article. It, along with others, has gained much acceptance in the market due to its advanced features compared to its alternatives.

2. Craft A Catchy Headline And Captivating Introduction

Readers know that they can get information that they need first by reading your headline. Enticing headlines can quickly get a substantial number of click-through rates.

It’s believed that many shares on social media are from people who haven’t read the entire article but have just read the headline. Viral websites are known to first experiment with several headline designs before settling for the final one. Your headline should be able to elicit a curiosity gap. When crafting your headline:

  • Don’t give all in the headline; and
  • Avoid making an opinion for the reader. Leave that to them.

Additionally, refrain from clickbait titles that give outrageous promises and end up leaving your readers to hang dry. Trickery when crafting your titles may negatively affect your brand. It may result in a high bounce rate which may ultimately impact your SERP (search engine results page) ranking.

The introduction section of your article is a preview of the proceeding body. If it doesn’t captivate your readers, they’ll leave to look for others. You may also consider increasing the font of your introduction paragraph to improve readability.

3. Beef Your Content With Videos, Pictures, Epic Formatting, And Sub-headlines

After you’ve kept your reader glued on your article past the introduction paragraph, this is a good show that they love what they’re reading. However, you need to know that many online readers don’t read an article word-by-word.

On the contrary, many read less than 50% of the words unless it’s a very high-quality content page. Thus, you need to be creative to ensure that your readers will keep scrolling to the bottom.

Break your curated content with videos that your readers can watch and have a mental break. You can also format your content with the following styles:

  • Let your sentences have about 14 words for this enables your reader to grasp your points quickly. Shorter sentences reduce the mental effort in reading because of clarity.
  • In addition, use whitespaces which help to declutter your webpage. These act as instances that your readers can take a break as they process what they are reading. It also improves comprehension.
  • Create a table of content for easy navigation within your page. Your reader doesn’t have to read everything. They can move to the relevant portion of your article. Therefore, you should have subtitles within your content to help restore your reader’s attention if they zoom out.
  • Use an image for every 200-350 words. You can alternate images with videos too. They increase the engagement and attention of the reader.

4. Let The Flow Of Your Ideas Be Cohesive

When you’re writing your article, you may need to combine several findings from various sources such as books, academic papers, journals, among other materials. Now, this is the catch, you’ll need to include information that is most relevant to the topic and beneficial to the reader. Avoid wearing out the reader with content they don’t need.

Moreover, when crafting your content, know your target audience’s interests, pain points, and demographics to address them effectively. It’ll ensure that your readers are immersed in the content without getting bored. In addition, maximize the art of storytelling and be conversational as much as possible.

Content creation requires much understanding of your reader; thus, you can create personas that help the reader personalize your content. There are several content-flow tools that you can use to see if your content connects with your target audience.

5. Optimize Your Content

Search engines have become intelligent in the way they rank web pages in the search engine results pages. One of the metrics used is SEO (search engine optimization) analysis.

Research keywords your audience will use while searching for your products or services on the search engine and include them in your content. Well-optimized content can quickly appear on the first page of search engine results, thus increasing your visibility online. In addition, use your keywords in the title, meta-title, and meta-description.

Another way of optimizing your content is to SEO optimize your images and diagrams. Moreover, use outbound links to other websites with high authority in your niche or subject matter. When your page is linked to many external websites, it shows that it has quality content, boosting your online visibility and receiving a substantial click-through rate.

Content optimization is believed to be one of the most effective content frameworks that can help in attracting quality leads for your business. However, it requires expertise when it comes to using SEO tools. As a result, you may consider hiring a freelance expert or SEO agency to produce great content for you.

Wrap Up

Writing quality content that engages your audience and attracts leads should be the priority of every article you write. However, this isn’t as easy of a task as it may sound. It requires a combination of the content frameworks discussed in this article for your content marketing success.

If you write your content, you’re good to go once you get the hang of the skill. However, if you’re unable to do the job yourself, you may consider partnering with experts to help you reach your goals.