Some social platforms, like Twitter, are relatively easy to grow a following. Like some posts, follow similar users; then watch your network grow. LinkedIn, however, is one of the more difficult platforms to gain engagement and viewers on, but it’s not impossible. Social Report provided some advice on gaining active viewers, as listed below.

Utilize Oversized Pictures

The right picture can draw in readers and vastly more numbers than even the most catchy of titles. Maximize the impact of your images by going beyond the standard thumbnails to include content rich material that informs your readers of the content of your article without giving it all away. The old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words is true. This is especially the case, considering that you only have a few precious seconds to grab the attention of the perspective viewer before they wander off to another article.

For LinkedIn, this is essential due to the ability for nearly every image to stand out starkly against the default gray blue background. Just remember when crafting your post that many social media scheduling tools do not enable the automatic inclusion of full-size images on this platform. You may very well have to manually add the images post publication.

There are many ways you can leverage images in your posts. Among the most popular include:

  • Infographics
  • The utilization of your goods or services
  • Shots of your team members at work

Just make certain that it is unique, relevant to the post in question, and invites the reader in.

Piggy Back Off Group Posts

LinkedIn shines in its ability to easily create hyper focused groups under the management of specific companies. It has rapidly become industry-standard for any outwardly focused enterprise to create and manage their own group. After you have created yours, utilize the effective group announcements tool to reach group members in a way that is guaranteed to get their attention while avoiding their email spam folder.

The most effective group posts actively encourages discussion on the topic in the comments section. In this way, your content is able to assume multiple roles throughout the marketing process to ensure a consistent message reaches your target demographic with ease. For instance, the email blast will bring them in. Meanwhile, the actual on-site post will fill the role of a traditional blog with its ready access to immediate feedback and sharing tools. As a rule of thumb, take advantage of all tracking features to measure group interests. They also can be used to inform your content management team of potential new avenues for growth.

Starting out, group posts provide you the greatest opportunity to quickly obtain the data needed to fine-tune your marketing strategy and identify avenues for growth in subsequent posts. Marketing is a journey, make the most of every step by never ceasing to obtain feedback from your target audience.

Use Your Human Resources

Creating engaging content is very rarely a solo endeavor, especially when the goal was to post on platforms like LinkedIn. Between the initial shares after publication to formulating the content itself, your team may be the missing ingredient your content generation strategy needs to be truly effective in developing effective market awareness. Here are some things to consider when working with your team:

Let People Know When You Need Support

Make certain every member of your team, including new hires, understand the importance on social selling and how compelling content can lead to increased leads. Impress upon them the importance of leveraging best practices for creating content, which includes:

  • Automating Social Shares through Tools like IFTTT
  • Sharing from Company Page
  • Tagging Page Name Often

Make It A Game

Add a bit of excitement to your content generation strategy by offering rewards to team members that create the most engaging content by a set deadline. As long as it is stress-free, this will spur creativity without disrupting effective teamwork. You can utilize tracking URLs to ensure accurate results without having to take time away from important business activities.

Get Your Team On Board

Utilize your internal messaging system or rightly scheduled update emails to encourage team members to share content with outside sources. Just make certain that it is absolutely clear what you want shared. Otherwise, you’ll risk having a next quarter sales projections released by accident!

Use LinkedIn Management Software

With the right management software, you can collaborate with team members to ensure your social sharing strategy is implemented correctly. The tool you select should readily enable you to manage multiple profiles, and their unique content, from a single online portal. Additionally, it should available to be leveraged by your entire team with a minimum amount of training. It is through this collection of information that you will be able to identify potential avenues of growth while ensuring factionalism does not arise in your sales and marketing teams.

Trying to Grow on LinkedIn?

It’s a very achievable goal. Through creative techniques and encouraging some of your employees to spread the name, you can greatly improve your LinkedIn active viewers. Don’t underestimate LinkedIn as a marketing tool; it’s truly unique. A better list of followers means better B2B marketing and a greater talent pool when you’re looking to hire.