Webinar Content

Once you’ve done the hard work of creating, promoting, and running a webinar, it’s easy to think you’re done. 

And this can feel like a bit of a letdown – even if your webinar brought in lots of new customers for your business. What about all that preparation you put in and all those slides you carefully crafted?

Here’s the good news: none of that work is wasted. There are loads of ways you can recycle your webinar content – making the most of your hard work for weeks, months, and even years to come.

1. Offer a Recording to People Who Couldn’t Make It Live

One of the simplest ways to repurpose your webinar content is to offer a recording, essentially turning it into an on-demand webinar. You may well already have this as an option for people who sign up but can’t make it live – either due to the timing or because your webinar was full when they tried to join.

To make the recording even more useful, use webinar software that lets you add chapters to your recording so that viewers can easily jump to the information they’re most interested in.

2. Recap the Webinar on Your Blog

Stuck for ideas for your blog? Repurpose your webinar by blogging about it: you could share key takeaways, great questions and answers, or important tips or facts that you covered during the webinar.

You don’t necessarily have to recap the whole webinar in a single blog post. Instead, you might want to run a series of posts looking at different highlights from the webinar. This can be a great way not just to reach people in your audience who didn’t attend, but also to remind those who did attend about everything they learned in the webinar.

3. Create a Highlight Video – or Several Videos

It’s often hard for people to find the time or motivation to sit down and watch a whole webinar recording. Make it easy for them by creating a highlight video that pulls out the key points from your webinar into a snappy 5 or 10 minutes. If you have lots of great content to share, you might create a series of highlight videos.

These can be easily shared on social media, embedded in blog posts, or linked to within your email newsletter. If people like what they see, this may well boost your webinar attendance next time!

4. Get Your Webinar Transcribed

One drawback to webinars is that they’re not fully accessible for everyone. Having your webinar transcribed – or having subtitles added to the recording – means that deaf and hard-of-hearing audience members can access your content too.

Transcriptions are also great for your search engine optimization, as they give Google (and other search engines) much more to go on than a short description would.

5. Publish Your Slides on Slideshare

Spent hours creating the perfect slide deck? Show it off to the world by putting it on Slideshare. This makes it easy to link to and share – plus it means your slide can be accessed again by attendees who want a refresher.

Before uploading your slides, it’s a good idea to have a quick look through them again to make sure they all make sense out of context in the webinar. Some slides might need removing or adjusting so they flow as smoothly as possible.

6. Create a Q&A Blog Post

Hopefully, you had plenty of great questions from audience members during your webinar. You may not have had time to answer all of them live – or you might have needed to give quite brief answers. Creating a blog post to go through these questions lets you answer more questions, more fully.

This type of post is useful for everyone in your audience, whether or not they attended your webinar. You might want to reach out personally to the people who raised the questions, letting them know that you’ve blogged about their question in more detail, which is a great way to deepen the connection you’ve already made.

7. Use Popular Questions or Tips on Social Media

What questions come up repeatedly from audience members? Was there a specific tip you shared that everyone found really useful – or a fact that surprised your audience?

Use short social media posts to share some of these little tidbits with your wider audience. This is a great way to promote your webinar recording or other content, plus it gives you extra social media content without you having to do much extra work at all.

8. Share Data if You Ran a Poll

Did you run a poll during your webinar? You might want to share the data with your audience, either on your blog or through social media. For instance, maybe you found out that 80% of your webinar attendees struggle with time management. That could be something that your audience would find comforting, as it lets them know that lots of people have the same problems they do. 

Maybe a surprising feature of your product was voted the most popular. Sharing this finding with your audience could prompt them to give your product a try, as they may not have previously realized how useful that feature was.

Recycling your webinar content helps you make the most of all your hard work. It’s a great way to fill slots on your content calendar – and to engage with your audience members, whether or not they attended the live webinar. 

This week, go back to your last webinar and look for at least one way you could repurpose some of the content.