89% of real estate agents use Facebook when managing their real estate businesses. Marketing is a key part of growing in real estate and you’ll need to use a variety of strategies to get clients and sell properties.

If you’re looking for ways to revitalize your marketing plan as a real estate investor or agent, there are many ways to do it. Using social media, running online ads, and making use of other digital tools can be well worth the effort.

Here are 5 real estate marketing tips you need to know.

1. Post Consistently on Social Media

Social media is a real estate agent or investor’s secret weapon and can help you land clients and market real estate. You need to be sure that you’re posting regularly to get the word out about your properties and services.

If you post to social media consistently, you can build a following that will stay with you. You can also stay in touch with previous clients easily. This can help your business both now and for years to come.

2. Be a Listing Completionist

To sell real estate effectively, make sure that you’re optimizing any listings that you create. In your listing, be sure to highlight the great amenities and details of the property. The description should be written well and include plenty of relevant information.

Adding high-quality photos, videos, virtual tours, and other types of media can also help generate more interest.

3. Content Is King

To build a real estate business in the long term, develop a content marketing strategy. Marketing your business with content can go a long way toward helping you get more clients and sell more real estate.

Launching a blog, creating video content, and working to educate and inform your ideal clients can be effective when building your business. Be sure that you use this along with search engine optimization (SEO) for the best results. You may want to learn more about KeyStarAgency REI SEO leads before getting started.

4. Build Ongoing Relationships

To build a thriving real estate business, stay in touch with previous clients and others who have shown interest in your business in the past. Put effort into collecting email addresses at open houses and use an email marketing tool to reach out to potential clients and stay at the top of their minds.

Working to stay in touch over time can lead to more sales in the long run. You never know when someone will decide to buy, so you’ll want to be sure that they think of you when they do.

5. Take Care of Your Online Reputation

If you want your real estate business to soar, take care of your online reputation. Work to get client reviews and testimonials online and use them as social proof for your business.

Having great online reviews on Google and other online directories can make it more likely that you’ll find clients as a real estate agent.

Making the Most of Your Real Estate Marketing Strategy

To improve your real estate marketing strategy, be sure to follow these key tips. Use social media marketing, perfect your listings, and build an ongoing relationship with clients to succeed in real estate.

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